How to Easily Connect Copper Pipe Without Soldering

Soldering copper pipe together can be frustrating for some people. The process can be very difficult especially in tight places where the pipe is close to walls or other areas that are difficult to work in.

Weller Solder

If you are one of the solder challenged and ever wondered if there was a way to connect copper pipe together without solder, then you need to look at a new type of plumbing devices that actually do the job efficiently and without the hassles of solder connections.

Weller Solder

If you have a need for redoing an area and have procrastinated because of the cost of getting a plumber, then the snap fitting system is what you have been searching for.

These little gems come in different configurations such as unions, tees and ball valves and other configurations that provide easy leak free connections. With a cut, snap and click, you will be able to quickly connect copper to copper or transition to CPVC piping without much effort.

If you ever need to reconfigure a previous connection, a little tool can be used to disassemble the connections and allow you to easily retool the area without much effort.

In summary, if you are a do it your selfer who cringes at plumbing work, because of the potential soldering that the job needs, then you must look into these snap together fittings that take the entire soldering process out of the equation. Plumbing connections without solder can be a dream come true to many who think they need a high cost plumber to complete their small bathroom or kitchen job.

How to Easily Connect Copper Pipe Without Soldering
Weller Solder